Ytd talks again haha.
Today was Fine Dining day! HOHO! The food was great, and learnt all the dining ettiquette (Idk how spell :X)
Haha, firstly we started off with briefing for the bread and soup, which are basically the starters I think lol. Oh, and we also learnt what are different utensils to use and what glasses are for what (eg Champagne glass, Water glass, Red Wine glass and White Wine glass). Learnt how to eat the bread properly. It's those kind of bun-like bread and it's damn hard outside :X LOL. Peel it into bite-sized pieces using your fingers, and then use the butterknife and butter it and eat it. Then continue. Haha, ate 2 rounds of bread hoho!
Then, soup = cream of broccoli. Learnt how to drink soup the fine dining thingy way. Scoop the spoon to the direction away from you, bring it to your mouth and sip it without making any noise. Hmmmm, I failed twice and got 2 soup droppings on my napkin LOL. Oh and there's breadcrumbs on my napkin too, I have no idea why HAHAH. Thank God for napkins! :D save both your tops and bottoms from food stains haha :D
And then, briefing for the main course. Lol learnt the proper ways of cutting and how to leave your fork and knife in the "rest" mode and "done" mode lol.
And then, briefing for dessert haha. There was supposed to be coffee/tea, but due to time constraints and the buses were already waiting for us, then I think they skip out on it :X lol. And dessert was chocolate truffle! They serve with a strawberry on top and a chocolate stick and with strawberry sauce. Woots! :D
The food was just simply
And during the start of the day it was really funny lol.
Eunice! Get well soon and rest well yeah haha! :D
The truth is, I'm not mad at you.
I just hate the fact that every time your name lights up on my phone, I fall for you a little bit harder.
And every time my name lights up on your phone...
Well, I'm just another girl you talk to.