Saturday, May 24, 2008

hillsong united concert

ok... dam sian as usual, so decided 2 tell u guys abt the concert. IT WAS DAM SUPER NICE N GOOD LA!! my bro, the enthu guy he is, go in front n jump like mad.. lolz.. den ok, we (sarah, faustina n me) did : 1) clap until hand red, pain n itchy. 2) jump. 3) sing 4 god (of cos!!)
ok den the atmosphere was realli nice la... like last year the planet shakers concert oso. so ya, we did enjoy it. n den the preacher was pastor benjamin, the youth pastor of new creation. last year it was pastor joseph prince, the senior pastor of new creation. den me, faustina n sarah went off when alter call jus started cos faustina wanted 2 buy the hillsong cd tat was on sale. den after tat we went to 7 eleven to buy some tings. den i bought big gulp n faustina bought some sweets. den sarah wanted 2 heat someting in the microwave oven. den after 2 mins she still dunno if ok already. den i ask her if the buzzer ring already. she said dunno. lolz.. dam funni man. like sarah gonna b the nxt fish (xiuling) already.. lolz. but nvm la.. fish n sarah very cute. blur blur is cute. lolz. ok so den after tat sarah's dad came 2 pick her up. den me n faustina waitin at the max pavillion outside 4 dad 2 come. den after tat den we go home liao.

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