Wednesday, July 9, 2008

acid spill my hand its gone thank god:D;cell grp :D

sandwich made in home econ
tang yuan made at home
3 besties!!
so i will start from here ^^ :
on last tuesday acid spilled on my hand in the chemistry lab but now its ok le, thanks to god =D

ok on last friday during pe we had to play some dunno wat traditional game. when we playin the dunno wat spinning top tat time den chileng dunno how to spin the top den some upper sec guy from (i tink) jasmine's sis the class so n say : "wah so lousy". den chileng say : "den u very good meh?" den the guy say : "of cos i noe how to play". den we let him play in the end he not good in it den we "boo!!!". lolx xD i tink his name is clement or dunno wat aiya dun realli care.

so anyway for cell tat day we went to jeremy's hse n his dog is like, soo cute!! lolx den ron kept playin wif it. i tink he misses his dog. actually, all of us play wif it lolx xD. den during praise n worship the dog kept moving about distracting us tat jeremy put it in the room. but den the dog kept on barking lolx so jeremy took it out n put it between his legs lolx so dam cute n funny the doggie!! =)

i hav somemore pics here :

hehe i wu liao so made tis in paint xD
yum yum shepard pie made in home econ!!
tis is sarah chiang, all time bestie apart from dayna
tis is aretha (alexander), my ex-cell leader =D

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