Monday, August 11, 2008

siao siao de lauren xD; thanks god =)

lauren went high last friday at cell. we play the mah tong game (im the gamemaster ahem* lolx ok wateva abt me) n den lauren got exited n kept on laffing n me n lydia went siao oso n keep on laffing cos lauren keep on looking at us n laffing. den when i promote to huang shang, den i kept it ther 4 quite a long time until i started laffing wif lauren like siao. cos huang shang, den every1 arrow me so i halfway speaking tat time den i laffed den i demoted to mah tong!!! hahax lol.. so ya lor, was quite fun. den when i go mah tong tat time, den lydia was shui tong and lauren is fan tong. den we the tongs keep on laffing like siao lolx. den when i promoted 2 fan tong, the huang shang jerolyn say : "huang shang jiao fan tong" tat time, den i wasnt paying attention mah, cos i was tellin yang cheng abt how hard he hit my hand so i didnt say anyting. den we all laff.. den i demoted to mah tong again so sadd hahax but nvm, its a game anyway den after tat we got praise n worship so i was the last mah tong hahax.. den during praise n worship lauren got siao n started laffing again. i dunno wat she laffing abt oso lolx. den she keep on looking at lydia n laff den lydia oso started laffing. den i try very hard not to laff, but jus giggle abit oso. i could tell tat jeremy was oso trying hard not 2 laff cos lydia was between me n jeremy and lauren was opposite lydia. den even during sermon, she kept on reminding us abt mah tong den we all like ... lolx fun lauren ^^

a piece of good new to share!! i got touched by the holy spirit again n i started crying very hard!! i tink it was becos b4 service CET tat time annette make us do tounges practice for 25 mins n i was very gratful 2 her, cos she said tat if we do the practice, we will find it easier to connect wif god during service n i realli did!! yahooo!! thank u so much oh dear god, thank u so much =)

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