Monday, May 4, 2009


heya ppl!! i havent been blogging for long, and now i AM :D but near exam period alr. talking abt exams, english and chinese paper finished. but damn sian. i anyhow write. and i think im not gonna score well. oh well, i leave that in god's hands, depends on whether he wants me to score well ornot. hopefully i will :D haha..

ok start with cell outing on LABOUR DAY. super fun, first went to bugis arcade play the throw the ball at the screen thingy (the one we played at e-hub last year) and really bonded with the newcomers :D then aft that went to near bugis there the minds cafe :D it was awesome :D play jungle speed and hurt and nails. i had the longest nails there, it was very pain esp when ppl tried to snatch the thingy in the middle away from me -.- haha now i cut my nails le :D and aft that me and my bro leave for family movie and dinner. X-men origin Wolverine!!! :D the 3 claws (or rather 6 on both sides) so cool man :) haha.. really enjoyed the movie :D and went cousin house for dinner :) aft that went home :)

and the day aft that was saturday, which i spent 1/2 of the day studying (*proud*:D), 1/4 of the day stoning and lazing around the house and sms-ing (so to speak of which, my phone msg bombed again, left only 10 free ones -.-), and the other 1/4 of the day spent washing the toiliet. YES WASHING THE TOILIET. haha cos my mum was sick, let her rest and i took over the cleaning of the toiliet. but very fun leh. scrub scrub scrub scrub :D yay haha..

and ytd was sunday, combined service. in which my arm went dead, and feet got very pain, around the ankles there. until today still pain, just that it both feet pain :(
cos these few days i've been carrying lots of heavy stuffs (such as carrying all the books i have from sch back home on one arm, in a plastic bag, holding it with my hand and fingers. damn those books), and combined service on sunday was celebrating mother's day. so we ushers had to hold the recipe cookbooks and flowers, standing at the appointed places we had to stand, while the kids gave them out. and after i had given the remaining books to royston (thank you royston), my arm went dead. then went back up to my seat with my arm dead. and had an enjoyed lunch with dayna, my bro, linus and azriel. azriel left earlier and me, dayna, my bro and linus talked and talked until we decided go cheers buy stuffs. linus and my bro bought drinks, while me and dayna bought kinderjoy :D dayna's egg had no spoon!! lol so we shared spoon haha.. then went home and revise history and thats it :)

and and i made a quiz :) on facebook. how well do you know cynthia leong? i got 100% for my bro's quiz. the true or false version :D haha.. my bro is the only one who got 100% for my quiz. lucky. theres one super junior question which i dont think anyone else (except faustina) will know :) haha.. but my bro lucky, got that correct -.-
some person i dont even know got - 71% omg and hes not even my friend lor. some stranger. shivers.
yang got 71% :)
kathleen got 57% :)
wenting also got 57% :)
LOL mary got 42% its ok mary :D haha..

anyways 2day was realy funny during recess, me and wenting and yilin kept laughing at *ahem ahem cough cough* :D someone who i cant say, and whom you cant know :) haha.. and then yilin was like, crapping abt her all the while LOL

well gotta study study study :) cant slack, exmas!! streaming!! ahh :D
my arm abit dead 2day but its better now :) my feet also :)

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