Thursday, May 12, 2011


For me, love was both the best feeling in the world and the worst.
First love. Always an unforgettable one.
I love looking at the old photos and remembering the old memories that came along.
#itreallysuckswhen you have so much to say and can't put it into words. It's like standing on a stage without a speech.
You don’t realize how much you care about someone until they don’t care about you.
There's nothing Better than Being here with You; to see You laugh, to see Your joy. Nothing I ever wanted; just to see You smile.
Isn't it ironic? We ignore those who adore us, adore those who ignore us, hurt those who love us, love those who hurt us.
(All these are taken from Twitter. Kudos to those who thought them up!)

Boy oh boy, I said I'd follow my head.. Look where I ended up.
I'm running of patience, tired of imitations, looking for someone to replace your heart. Everyone I talk to is just another not you, makes me wonder how we're so far apart.I'm tired of imitations, running out of patience, tryin' to replace, replace your heart. Must be crazy if I ever let you go. You were everything I need to know. (The Wanted - Replace Your Heart)

Without love, we feel nothing. Without dreams, we accomplish nothing. Without God, we ARE nothing.
Do the best you can do, then God will do the best you can't do.
There's a friend who will never EVER let you down. And that friend is Jesus. (From Twitter too)

But I know who I can rely on. That is my God, my saviour, Jesus Christ (: My number 1 friend and father, always been there for me, and always will. I love you, God!! :D

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