Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I'm a despo kid.
I tweeted Nathan Sykes, Tom Felton and Liam Payne to wish me all the best for Os and that it'll greatly motivate me. I'm not expecting an answer though lol. I guess I'm just a crazy obsessed-with-celebrities kiddo. And I changed my iPad lock screen to Nathan Sykes' picture of him holding a tag that reads "Keep calm and carry on".
I'm just studying for the sake of studying and thinking of what I can do and should do after Os -.-
Which is worrying and I'm kinda freaking out.
After this post I gonna study Geog already. I just finished studying Rivers and Natural Veg. Later start on Kalimantan and Development. As well as EMaths.

And ytd I drank a Caramel Frappe from Starbucks and it's Venti-sized! Zooweemama when my Bro came back with it I was like woah, that's huge. And I drank it all up within 30 min -.- $7 flew away.

Woah the comments page on Cher Lloyd's Swagger Jagger is... Idk what to say. Err, hateful comments? Lol they should disable comments.

Oh yeah I most prob will not be updating as often as before.

Okay I'm off to study now!

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