Sunday, April 7, 2013

What's wrong with me?

To think someone asked me if I had depression before :/
Oh goodness what’s wrong with me?
How can I be like this?
I think I’ll just disappear from ppl’s lives, so their lives will be better. Somehow I just feel I’m making it worse just by being there.
I know that I’m here to impact people, but if I’m gonna impact ppl negatively, then I’d rather not.

What's wrong with me? I've not been very me lately. I've come to the point where I can just sit and stone and just rethink everything and relive the past year in my head, and where if anyone asks me if I'm alright I will just start tearing. I think the past has gotten to me too much, and Idk what to feel nowadays.
Maybe I'm too tired and worn out from this holidays (ironic right Idk why almost everyday I feel tired).

I've came to the point where I'm not caring, not bothering about anything and everything under the sun.

What's wrong with me?

Reveal to me, Lord, and make me a better person. To not always be such a failure etc etc.. Reveal to me what needs to be fixed and mould me to be a greater person, living for You. Help me to get out of all these feelings so I don't hurt others around me.

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